
Weather data & microclimate :

Weather data & microclimate :

Category Weather Compatibility 7.0 Seller Weather Underground Content Rating Everyone Last Updated Aug 10, 2023 Version 6.14.1
Category Weather Compatibility 7.0 Seller Weather Underground Content Rating Everyone Last Updated Aug 10, 2023 Version 6.14.1

App Description

Weather data & microclimate


Experience weather like never before with Weather Underground. Get hyperlocal weather forecasts, precise current conditions, and exclusive updates from your closest weather station. Our proprietary forecast model, combined with data from over 250,000 personal weather stations, ensures the most accurate and truly hyperlocal weather forecast. Be prepared for any weather event with our advanced radar technology, storm tracker, and customizable weather alerts.

Key Features

  • Weather alerts and storm radar keep you prepared for severe weather conditions
  • Hyperlocal weather conditions and hourly/daily forecasts up to 10 days in the future
  • Access the most detailed local weather data including maps, radar imagery, temperature updates, and more
  • Discover additional geographical data such as air quality index and UV index
  • Customize your experience with different modes, map types, and units


Weather Underground, a reputable weather app developer, presents you with their latest innovation. Known for their commitment to accuracy and precision, Weather Underground has a track record of delivering reliable weather information. Explore their other popular products and trust their expertise in providing the most up-to-date weather data.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Hyperlocal forecasts based on actual data points in your neighborhood
    • Interactive weather maps with advanced radar technology
    • Customized experience with different modes and units
  • Cons:
    • Potential for improvement in user interface design
    • Some features require a premium subscription

History or Fascinating Insights

Weather Underground has a rich history of innovation in weather forecasting. Its development is rooted in the desire to provide users with the most accurate weather data, filling gaps left by other weather services. By utilizing actual data points from personal weather stations, Weather Underground delivers real-time information tailored to your microclimate.

Target Audience

Weather Underground caters to individuals of all ages who are interested in accessing precise weather information. Whether you're planning outdoor activities, tracking severe weather, or simply staying informed about your local weather conditions, this app is perfect for you. No matter your skill level or interests, Weather Underground has the data you need.

Technical Details

  • Version: Varies with device
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Compatibility: Varies with device

Crucial Note

Experience weather like never before with Weather Underground. Our hyperlocal forecasts, advanced radar technology, and customizable features set us apart from other weather apps. Discover the difference and stay prepared for any weather event.

Previous Versions

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